Congratulatory Message from SRS President
Dear Members,
I am delighted to announce the formation of our sister society; the China-Japan-Korea Association of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (CJKARS) and to welcome you to its 11th China-Japan-Korea Symposium on Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (CJKSRS) on 11th-12th Nov 2021. This builds on the amazing work from many institutions and individuals that has been so evident for a number of decades. It is also a milestone that marks the maturity of the field in Asia – which has now led to new levels of transnational collaboration and communication. It is notable that this meeting is open to all countries in the Asian region, a fact that also gives portrays a bright future for both established and emerging talent in the regions radiopharmaceutical science milieu.
As president of the Society of Radiopharmaceutical Sciences (SRS) I have every confidence that the CJKSRS will be a vibrant meeting showcasing the very best research and innovation from the region and I also very much look forward to seeing your society flourish and grow.
Best wishes